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Unknown editions of “Logic and ethics” by Faust Vrančić / Šime Jurić

“Literary work by Faust Vrančić from Šibenik (1551 – 1617) is remarkably polyhistoric showing all the features of such writing. Vrančić’s multifaceted interest in various scientific fields certainly comes from the inherent dispositions of the writer, but is undoubtedly to the same extent the fruit of his humanistic education and influence of his environment. Everything conspired to make him the way he was in the end, the natural talent, the first schools, the knowledge of many languages, the humanistic ideal “l’uomo universale”, the ties of kinship, and his specific career. Vrančić is, as is well-known, the author of several very diverse works. I will first mention his polyglotic (five-language) dictionary Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europae Zinguarum, Venetiis, 1595, which is the first bigger printed Croatian language dictionary. Among his printed works, there was still only one Venetian edition of his two philosophical writings known till present. Those are treatises About logic and About ethics published under the title: Logica new suis ipsius instrumental format et re cognita. (Acc.) Ethica christiana, Venetiis 1616; 4°, 79 pp., in which Vrančić presented himself as a philosophical writer as well.”

Summary of the paper: Jurić, Š. Unknown editions of “Logic and ethics” by Faust Vrančić. // Contributions to the researches of Croatian philosophical heritage 4, 7-8 (1978), pp. 289-296.