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Dictionarium septem diversarum linguarum… / Petr Loderecker

Title: Dictionarium septem diversarum linguarum, videlicet Latine, Italice, Dalmatice, Bohemice, Polonice, Germanice & Ungarice una cum cuiuslibet linguae registro sive repertorio vernaculo in quo candidus lector sui idiomatis vocabulum facile invenire …

1605 Pročitaj više →

2nd edition of Vrančić’s Five-language dictionary

Title: Dictionarium septem diversarum linguarum, videlicet Latine, Italice, Dalmatice, Bohemice, Polonice, Germanice & Ungarice una cum cuiuslibet linguae registro sive repertorio vernaculo in quo candidus lector sui idiomatis vocabulum facile invenire …

1605 Pročitaj više →

Moving to Rome

After leaving the court in 1605, Vrančić moved to Rome, where he entered the Order of St. Paul, the so-called Barnabites. In Rome, Vrančić lived in the house of a …

1605 Pročitaj više →