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The question of the birth date of Croatian humanist and Hungarian primas Antun Vrančić (1504 – 1573) / Diana Sorić

“Based on the findings obtained by analyzing Vrančić’s correspondence, as well as an insight into unpublished archival material and critical review of the data in the professional literature, the paper proves that the well-known humanist and the church prelate from Šibenik, Antun Vrančić (1504 – 1573), was not born on May 29 but on May 30, 1504. Using multiple arguments and calculations, the paper points to the exact day of Vrančić’s birth thus trying to correct the mistake that has been made so far. Moreover, the paper gives an overview of life and work by Antun Vrančić.”

Summary of the paper: Sorić, D. The question of the birth date of Croatian humanist and Hungarian primas Antun Vrančić (1504 – 1573). // Croatica Christiana periodica 39, 75 (2015), pp. 37-48.